Пришло письмо об изменениях условий лицензии. Там много что изменилось, но самое главное, что нужно знать - графику с Хангри Джипег теперь можно легально использовать для перепродажи на принтшопах, стоках и так далее. Не в оригинальном виде конечно, а при условии внесения изменений. То есть по сути, кто-то может накупить продуктов на Хангри и запилить отличные магазины на Etsy, Zazzle, да даже Shutterstock.
Почему я сделала такой вывод?
1. В письме прямо упомянуто, что видоизмененную графику можно продавать на принтшопах.
2. Я ожидала, что разрешение продавать на принтшопах будет гвоздями прибито к тексту лицензии. Вместо этого, в той части лицензии, где говорится про графику, упоминаются только конечные продукты и необходимость внесения изменений перед продажей.
- Graphics are referred to as non-cut or craft related files. E.g. a pack of 100 floral elements or a collection of cute animal illustrations.
- Graphics used to create End Products must be used with other design elements to create a distinctive new design that does not completely resemble the Graphic used. The original Graphic file used to create the End Product cannot be extracted or separated by the customer when the End Product is being sold to the customer via electronic means. The customer is only permitted to use the said End Product, but not the original Graphic file.
- Graphics cannot be converted into other formats (SVG, EPS etc.) and subsequently sold or distributed.
- You are not allowed to share, resell or distribute Graphics on a standalone basis or include Graphics in the sale of template products (e.g. a website theme or logo template).
- Graphics shall only be used as a design element of an End Product. Graphics shall not be installed, embedded or integrated in any software, program, application etc. E.g. installing our Graphics into an application that allows You to select our Graphics to make Your own T-Shirt design is strictly prohibited.
Таким образом, я делаю вывод, что если по мнению Хангри Джипег, приведенный выше текст означает, что производные можно продавать на принтшопах, то из этого же следует что производные можно продавать на любых сайтах, предназначенных для монетизации так называемых конечных продуктов (End Products).
Есть и другие изменения, но не настолько интересные, например появилось ограничение на использование в 10 проектах. В письме местами формулировки настолько туманные, что смысл их вряд ли ясен даже тем, кто это писал - например см. пункт про шрифты.
Вот само письмо.
Dear Friends,
We would like to announce an important update in regards to The Complete License on TheHungryJPEG.com.
We’ve always strived to keep our licensing terms as simple and straight forward as possible. However, over the years, we’ve seen our website and community grow, along with the growth and changes within the industry, and we realised our brief license did not clearly address specific usage adequately enough (eg. use with Print on Demand sites), creating more questions instead of simplicity as originally intended.
As such, we’ve found it necessary to add more clarification to outline what is and is not allowed within The Complete License. In doing so, we’ve taken into careful consideration feedback from both our beloved designers and customers, and how it will affect everyone moving forward.
First and foremost, we would like to clarify: The Complete License remains the only license on TheHungryJPEG.com, and covers all purchased items and bundles on the site.
The Complete License allows for both personal and commercial use, subject to the terms stated in the license. When it comes to commercial use, here are some key things to note in the updated Complete License:
1. The 10 Project Rule You are allowed to use each item in up to 10 (commercial) Projects, with unlimited prints. This does not apply to Craft Files (see below) or Installable Items (eg. fonts and add-ons) For bundles, the 10 Project rule applies to each individual Item within the bundle, and not the bundle as a whole. Feel free to contact us if you need additional licenses for an item.
2. Craft/Cut Files Unlimited print of End Products subject to a limit of 10 different types of End Products for each craft / cut file. (eg. 1 phone case, 1 t-shirt, 1 bag = 3 different types of end products)
3. Print on Demand (POD) Graphics can be used on POD sites (e.g. Amazon Merch, Zazzle, etc.) as long as it has been combined with other elements to create a significantly new design as a flattened end product. Craft/Cut files are not allowed to be used on or uploaded to any POD sites.
4. Fonts Fonts can be used to create end products (eg. words, quotes or expressions) provided that the entire alphabetical letters and/or numerical digits are not converted.
5. Patterns Patterns are allowed to be printed as-is directly onto physical products. However, patterns used to create digital end products must be used with other design elements to create a distinctive new design, whereby the original pattern cannot be extracted or separated by the customer.
6. Logos Except for logo creation kits which are meant to assist you with the crafting of logos, you shall not use the items for or incorporated into logo, corporate identity, trademarks or brand symbol. You are not allowed to register the end product as trademark in any territory, even if the end product was created using the logo creation kit. Please note that these licensing terms applies for all purchases from March 14, 2018 onward only.
We hope that you find our updated licensing terms fair and reasonable. Do take a moment to read The Complete License in full.
Полный текст лицензии доступен на сайте по ссылке.
В общем я удалила все свои продукты (грузить туда перестала уже пару месяцев назад) и больше с ними работать не хочу.
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