Сашеньке, в день, когда ей исполнилось 17 лет

Год назад

Wes thū hāl, Alexandra.

Let your seventeenth summer

Bring you joy, be it midnight or noon.

Gives me pause that this year

Full of hardships and trials

Should be over so quick and so soon.

Staying true to yourself -

A herculean labour,

Staying true to your close ones - an art.

When the rue is upon us

Don’t let doleful days harness

The warmth of your hearth and your heart.

May the mead flow like rivers.

May the songs ring for lifetimes.

May the winds blow your worries away.

May the angels descend

From the sky just to wish you

Many happy returns of the day.

#старое, #стихотворение, #поэзия, #английский_язык, #с_днём_рождения, #poem, #poetry, #happy_birthday

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